Whitelight, Perfect White


Sublingual Absorption

Sublingual, meaning literally 'under the tounge' refers to a method of administering substances orally in such a way that the substances are RAPIDLY and MORE EFFECTIVELY ABSORBED as compared to capsules or tablets via the digestive tract.  

For more Informations and Orders:
E-mail: jack_1724@yahoo.com

Perfect White
Skin Whitening Tablet 
It will make you younger 10-20 years YOUNGER on continuous usage.
Cysteine Peptide is one of the most advanced anti-aging and skin whitening ingredients ever discovered! Study shows, it aids in erasing dark spots, blemishes, facial creases and wrinkles! According to research, Cysteine Peptide is 3-5 MORE POTENT than GLUTATHIONE!

For more Informations and Orders:
E-mail: jack_1724@yahoo.com